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RG Aluminium Oxide Flap Wheels (on 6 mm Shaft)

RG Aluminium Oxide Flap Wheels (on 6mm Shaft)

RG Flap Wheels (Smaller).png
Aluminium oxide flaps and X-Flex weight backing. 6-mm diameter cylindrical shaft.
Main features and benefits:
These wheels are our most versatile RG tools. Robust and suitable for numerous applications on work surfaces of various kinds. Excellent flexibility.
Recommended applications:
Finishing, light deburring, cleaning or preparation for subsequent treatments (chromium plating, nickel plating or painting) on small or hard-to-reach surfaces such as the internal surfaces of pipes, cylinders, parts of irregular shape. 
Work surfaces:
Stainless steel, standard steel, alloyed steel, aluminium, titanium, nonferrous materials and alloys, plastic materials, glass fibre, rubber, marble, stone, concrete, wood, hide or leather.



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